We all know our political system is broken.
We need Veterans to help repair it.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to build and mobilize a community of military veterans to advocate for election innovations that unlock competition, make our politics less polarizing and our government more effective.
— Our Initiatives
We are focused on implementing specific election innovations across the country.


Open Primaries
All candidates run on one combined ballot, regardless of party affiliation
Voting Innovations
Instant Runoff Voting or Approval Voting

Top Four or Final Five Voting

of Veterans self identify as independent or unaffiliated voters.
of Veterans work in public service or with charitable organizations compared to 22% of non-veterans.
Veterans are still trusted in our communities.
— Why Veterans?
A few reasons why Veterans can lead the charge:

— Statistics
America is Failing
Partisan polarization in Congress is at its highest levels in more than 100 years. *
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index ranked the United States’ democracy 25th in the world, labeling our Nation a flawed democracy. *
The 116th Congress had a near record-low 15% approval rating, yet 95% of its members were re-elected in the last election. *
Public trust reached a three-decade high shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but declined quickly thereafter. Since 2007, the share of the U.S. population saying they can trust the government "always or most of the time" has not surpassed 30%. *
— Let's take action
How we win
Focused electoral innovations led by state-based coalitions can restore the health of our democracy. Military veterans have a desire to serve and lead their country. Working along side their supporters, Veterans can play a unique and strategic role in realizing these innovations.

— Join us
Upcoming Events
Listen to the Veterans for All Voters podcast
Wisconsin is a state well-known for its leadership in political innovation. In the spirit of Fighting Bob La Follette, our leaders in Wisconsin started a podcast to build community and learn from others in the movement.