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October Updates

Writer's picture: Veterans for All VotersVeterans for All Voters

Friends and Supporters,


With just over 4 weeks until Election Day, Veterans for All Voters and our reform partners in states across the U.S. are on the air with our message: voters deserve access to the elections they pay for, real choices at the ballot box, and elected officials that put public interest ahead of party interest.


Take a look and let us know your thoughts. Keep scrolling for all the events coming up both virtually and in person. It's go time!



Commercials and Ads from our State Campaigns

Proposed Radio Ad - Veterans for Colorado Voters

Event Highlights

Military Influencer Conference (MIC) 2024 - Atlanta


Veterans for All Voters showed up strong for this years Military Influencer Conference. Founders, Eric Bronner and Todd Connor met with state volunteers, board members, coalition partners and military veterans. This year, Todd Connor lead a panel discussing the vital role of veterans in civic engagement and their potential to guide our country through this polarized period.


Also shown: Veterans for All Voters created a large 100th birthday card for former president and Navy Veteran, Jimmy Carter. This card was signed by military veterans during MIC thanking him for his service. It will be presented to Jimmy Carter on behalf of VAV, Blue Star Families and MIC


Atlanta Veterans and Military Families Happy Hour


On Wednesday, October 2, The Chamberlain Network and Veterans for all Voters hosted a happy hour and community discussion on the role veterans can play as trusted messengers in the upcoming election. Our founder, Eric Bronner was in attendance alongside VAV State Volunteers as well as our friends from The Chamberlin Network and the Secure Families Initiative.

The Veterans for Montana Voters team met with the League of Women Voters on the Yes on 126 Campaign

Articles and Op-Eds


We are two veterans with 44 years of combined service to the United States. We served united around one mission because we believed the American values of freedom, independence, and democracy were worth sacrificing for. Today, we remain united in our devotion to our country and our belief that we can and must overcome the division and dysfunction we see in politics


"How can we stand by, cycle after cycle, and refuse to give registered independents a voice in elections for leaders who are supposed to represent them? This is especially visceral for veterans, who identify as independent voters at higher rates than their civilian counterparts. In many states, independent voters are barred from fully participating in primary elections — elections which too often determine the very officials who, in turn, vote on national defense and the use of military force."


With RCV, we have the opportunity to bravely vote our conscience first and, afterward, vote pragmatically if we so choose. Now, our votes really can make a difference.


The mere fact that both Democratic and Republican party establishments are largely opposed to the concept of ranked-choice voting (RCV) isn’t surprising, nor is it a persuasive reason to vote against Nevada’s Question 3


There is no one trick to fix American democracy — but implementing ranked-choice voting in primary and general elections around the country could help. This reform is on the ballot in several states this year, as well as in D.C. It deserves to pass


Cathy Giessel, Republican State Senator, had served her community for a decade. Her bipartisan record caused her to lose the support of the Republican Party – they chose to support a more conservative candidate in the primary. After Alaska switched to Ranked Choice Voting, she fought to regain her seat and won. She knows how important RCV is to actually representing the constituents – and not the party’s interests


Colorado voters are poised to approve a measure on the November ballot that would change most of the state’s primaries so candidates from all parties run against each other, with the top four vote-getters advancing to a ranked choice voting general election.


Secure Families Initiative has gathered the most reliable and up-to-date information to make the process as easy as possible.


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